"Cut the line" to the top of your prospect's search results.

Ensure your Google Ads campaigns are profitable and backed by sound targeting and bidding strategies for lead generation and brand awareness. So you can stop burning your cash on suboptimal performance.

Google Ads

Don’t throw money blindly without a sound strategy. What’s your Google Ads strategy? At what level of the sales funnel are your ads and landing pages operating?Many businesses lose revenue because they can’t answer these questions

What should you expect when we manage your Google Ads account?

  • Sound Strategy
  • Accurate Reporting
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Efficient Account Management

What to Expect

Everything about your campaigns will be backed by solid marketing fundamentals.

Sound Strategy

Unlike SEO, Google Ads trades money (instead of time and effort) in exchange for placement in the search results, so we need to make your advertising spend count. A strategy built entirely around your goals, budget, and target customer allows us to do this efficiently.
  • We'll build your campaigns around clear KPIs.

    Generate immediate leads? Attract mid-funnel prospects? Raise brand awareness? Every goal measures success differently. We'll help you define KPIs for every campaign. So you can measure performance with confidence.

  • We'll target your prospect based on their intent and stage of awareness.

    Are they actively seeking solutions? Do they know yours exists? Are they ready to engage now? Each of these changes your approach. We'll help you determine how to market to them at their current stage of consideration.

  • We'll convert them accordingly with carefully planned offers, ads, and landing pages.

    Your goals will determine your immediate offer, copy, design, and targeting. We'll work with you to determine the best strategy to begin (or refine) a successful high-converting Google Ads campaign.

You'll have true and accurate insights into every measurable aspect of your campaign performance.

Accurate Reporting

Know who your winners are, where to adjust, and how your budget is spent. So you can measure success and make informed decisions with confidence.
  • Conversions aren't just form leads. Track the phone calls that Google regularly misses.

    Google Ads misses most phone call conversions, so your cost-per-lead appears higher and you lose out on valuable campaign training data. We use call-tracking to fill in the gaps, so you get a true and accurate cost analysis of your campaigns, and more effective targeting.

  • Know exactly what return you're getting on your ad-spend.

    We record potential revenues for every qualified lead, so you'll know exactly how much return you're getting for every dollar spent.

Your campaigns will be routinely optimized to drive conversions.

Conversion Rate Optimization

  • We'll see what your visitors are doing, and adjust your landing pages accordingly.

    Yes, literally. We screen record your visitors from the moment they arrive down to the very last second. We'll adjust landing pages based on patterns we see to increase conversions. So you can relax knowing your lead generation is only going to get better and better.

  • We'll train Google to eliminate junk leads.

    Sometimes Google Ads delivers junk (and counts it as a conversion), training itself to deliver more of it. It doesn't need to be this way. We remove unqualified leads and spam from the conversion data so that Google delivers higher lead quality over time. So you can keep your sales pipeline clean.

  • We'll find winning angles for your ads using A/B and multivariate testing.

Efficient Account Management

Optimal performance requires a rock-solid process.

Our process relies on solid marketing fundamentals to drive conversions through Google Ads.

Our Process

  1. Consultation


    We'll discuss your expectations, your business, your goals, how your Google Ads marketing efforts should help you reach them, and whether we're a fit to work together on your campaign(s). Pricing is transparent and discussed up-front.

  2. Audit & Research


    We'll audit your current Google Ads account and campaigns. This includes a review of your account structure, Google Tags, analytics, any existing landing pages, campaigns, and adjacent parts of the user journey relative to the goals you expressed in the consultation. We'll also research your competitors, targeting, expected costs, and the market forces at play.

  3. Strategy Mapping


    Based on what our audit and research reveals, we'll present and discuss with you a new (or revised) Google Ads strategy before moving forward with execution. Your strategy will cover targeting (e.g. keywords, match types, audiences, and locations), copy (ad copy, landing page copy, and website copy), and ad assets.

  4. Building the Landing Page(s) and Ad Campaign(s)


    We'll build the landing page(s) and ad(s) including all copy, click triggers, forms, etc.

  5. Monitoring & Conversion Rate Optimization