Website Rebuild for Landscaping Company in Washington, DC

Tenleytown Lawn & Landscape

Lisa asked us to take over the management of her landscaping company's site after getting negligible results from previous vendors. We redesigned it from scratch with the goal in mind of increasing leads and ranking higher in search results.

Tenleyscapes Hero

We helped Tenleytown Lawn & Landscape with:

  • Google Ads
  • Website Design & Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
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Case Study Samples

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This is a great spot for a longer heading with more words

accent heading

Call to action

Lisa approached us to rebuild her website after a poor experience with a previous web designer.

Here’s what we started with:

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First off, the homepage is not bad. It’s minimal and straight-to-the-point. Let’s break it down a bit.

Homepage Hero Section

Homepage Hero

Lisa’s old hero section put her company’s tagline, “your vision, our creation” up front. We would normally take issue with this since we tend to suggest that the largest heading shouldn’t be a tagline, but if not for the Tenleytown Lawn & Landscape logo making